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Showing posts from July, 2021

The first CRE-ACTORS workshop in Paris

The first CRE-ACTORS workshop in Paris is approaching! It will take place from 26th to 31st July at the Théâtre du Soleil and it will be led by Dominique Jambert and Vincent Mangado , both of whom have been members of the Soleil Ensemble for more than twenty years. They will be leading the partecipants through an exploration of the intercultural devising techniques used by the Théâtre du Soleil. This training involves teams from project's partners - Teatro dell’Argine (Italy) and Border Crossings (Ireland) - and  other actors from the Théâtre du Soleil (France). «Nearly the first week of meeting(s) on stage. How are we going to understand one another?  What language(s) will we speak? French, English, Italian, Swedish? But also Persian, Spanish, Catalan, Gaelic, Occitan?  All of them perhaps, but especially that of theatre of course! Yes, theatre can be a universal language... but not quite its text, then? ...the body! Yes, when the body expresses itself, it can be un...

The Buddhas of the Cartoucherie

After a very long wait, the core team for Cre-Actors was finally able to meet over the weekend, at the Cartoucherie in Paris: home to our French partner, the Théâtre du Soleil.  The simple experience of walking into a theatre space after so long was powerful enough in itself: and at the Cartoucherie we had the joy of not one theatre but many, with one of them - Théâtre de l’Aquarium - offering the first, incredibly accomplished live performance that most of us had seen for well over a year.  But the Théâtre du Soleil’s space at the Cartoucherie is even more than a performance space: it is a space of intense, profound holiness.    When I say “holy”, I don’t simply mean “religious” or even “spiritual”, certainly not in any doctrinaire way.  Rather, I am recognising the power of this theatre’s engagement with the most vital questions in our lives, its status as a place of contemplation, rigour and pilgrimage, its function as something distinct from the mundane, som...

The first international meeting of CRE-ACTORS in Paris

The first live meeting of CRE-ACTORS is approaching at last, to start the discussion and the planning of the training courses led by the four partners! On July 3rd and 4th 2021 , Théâtre du Soleil (France), Border Crossings (Ireland), Teatro dell'Argine (Italy) and The Fence (Sweden) are meeting in Paris to plan the training which will be held by the French partners from July 24th to 30th in the beautiful theatre La Cartoucherie . An important occasion that responds to the need to share and disseminate good practices between organizations expert in contemporary theater engaged with social and cultural diversity, collective creation and with an international vocation. The three training courses will be led by Théâtre du Soleil, Border Crossing and Teatro dell’Argine in the respective countries, with The Fence as coordinator of the discussion and evaluation processes. Each of them will involve 17 network professionals and include at least 10 other participants from the loca...