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The first CRE-ACTORS workshop in Paris

The first CRE-ACTORS workshop in Paris is approaching! It will take place from 26th to 31st July at the Théâtre du Soleil and it will be led by Dominique Jambert and Vincent Mangado, both of whom have been members of the Soleil Ensemble for more than twenty years. They will be leading the partecipants through an exploration of the intercultural devising techniques used by the Théâtre du Soleil. This training involves teams from project's partners - Teatro dell’Argine (Italy) and Border Crossings (Ireland) - and  other actors from the Théâtre du Soleil (France).

«Nearly the first week of meeting(s) on stage.
How are we going to understand one another? 
What language(s) will we speak?
French, English, Italian, Swedish? But also Persian, Spanish, Catalan, Gaelic, Occitan? 
All of them perhaps, but especially that of theatre of course!
Yes, theatre can be a universal language... but not quite its text, then? ...the body! Yes, when the body expresses itself, it can be understood universally...
It will be a start. 
We will have to talk to each other (but not too much!), just enough to agree to play together. To play, the second word of this workshop will be childhood because without this creative childhood, imagination will not be that of the heart.
For that we are going to set ourselves in a circle, so that we can all look at each other, observe each other with the considerate gaze we need to be free to play, to invent. 
What a strange training programme, you say? 
But you didn’t really think we were going to reveal all our secrets publicly!
No, theatre needs mystery... let’s just hope that it’ll want to show its face because, in a week, there will be twenty of us feverishly hoping for its arrival!»
Dominique Jambert and Vincent Mangado - Théâtre du Soleil
